by Julie Womack | Sep 3, 2020 | Tour Guiding
Course dates for 2022 Tour Operator Course: see details under Training Courses Cost : R 3 000 Tourist Guide Courses: 3 x Full time courses: 08:30 – 17:00 17 – 28 Jan 2022 3 – 13 May 2022 3 – 14 Oct 2022 Cost : R7 200 Online Courses: Start date...
by Julie Womack | Aug 1, 2020 | Tour Guiding
Due to COVID-19 and the strict lockdown rules in South Africa, the tourism industry has been devastated. Over 1,5 million people are normally employed in tourism and for every 1 tourist about 8 people in South Africa are employed. Tourism also brings in R748 000 000...
by Julie Womack | May 23, 2020 | Tour Guiding
Who would have thought 6 months ago that the world could come to a standstill and no travel and tourism would be allowed? Tourism in South Africa and in most countries in the world, has died. This means millions of people are without work and for the majority no form...
by Julie Womack | Nov 16, 2016 | Tour Guiding
Cape Town Tourism attended the 8th African Road Show in North America. This show was to promote tourism in Africa and to gain insight into what the North American market wants. Their findings show that “Cape Town is well-known and remains a favourite destination...
by Julie Womack | Jun 13, 2015 | Tour Guiding
Tourist Guide Institute attended a workshop with the City of Cape Town’s Local Government Services on 10 June 2015. These are some of the interesting facts and statistics given by the different speakers and my thoughts and questions that arise from these...
by Julie Womack | Oct 28, 2013 | Tour Guiding
It is a privilege being a tourist guide as you get to meet the most amazing people, besides your clients, along the way, accommodation hosts, chefs and kitchen staff, bus drivers, site guides, other tourist guides, local people and many others. You also get to see...